The Egyptian Mysteries

An Unprecedented 3 Part Exploration of Mystery Teachings

With Peter Mark Adams

Journey back through the annals of time as we delve into the captivating world of the 'Mysteries,' ancient rituals that forged a direct link between humanity and the divine. These rites have woven themselves intricately into the tapestry of human evolution, dating back to the Paleolithic era.

The enigma surrounding the 'Egyptian Mysteries' has persisted for millennia. Ever since Herodotus ventured into Egypt over two millennia ago, speculation has swirled about the profound and secretive rituals of this ancient land.

In this thought-provoking exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the mystery that shrouds the 'Egyptian Mysteries.' Join us as we delve into the depths of ancient Egypt's spiritual heritage, seeking to uncover the truth behind these elusive and sacred rituals.

Through Peter Mark Adams meticulous research and thoughtful insights, we will attempt to dispel the shadows of doubt and shed light on the profound and timeless connection between the 'Egyptian Mysteries' and the enduring human quest for the divine.

Six-hour Course with Expert Instruction

Module 1: The Ethnography of Mystery Initiation

After digesting the material presented in module one you will be able to:

- Identify the key organisational, metaphysical and ritual practices typical of mystery cults throughout the ancient Near East

- Understand the critical role played by traditional Afro-Egyptian notions of ‘divine kingship’

- Identify the African roots of Egypt’s larger spiritual culture

- Understand the pan-African traditions leading to the emergence of Egypt’s key ritual practitioners

- Be able to follow-up and enlarge one’s understanding through the texts recommended throughout this module

Follow the Q&A that followed the presentation

After digesting the material presented in module two you will be able to:

- Understand the central importance played by Animism - and in particular the concepts of ‘embodiment’ and ‘indwelling’ - as essential factors underpinning and illuminating all of Egypt’s spiritual culture and practices

- Learn of actual otherworldly encounters within ritual space from pan-African accounts that form part of the ethnographic record

- Be able to identify the psycho-physical characteristics of ritual space that contribute to the experience of the numinous

- Be able to follow-up and enlarge one’s understanding through the texts recommended throughout this module

- Follow the Q&A that followed the presentation

Module 2: Exploring the Invisible World of Ritual

Module 3: The Ascent to Immortality

After digesting the material presented in module three you will be able to:

- Appreciate the commanding role assumed by the priestesses of the Goddess Hathor and their long-standing contribution to Egypt’s spiritual culture

- Understand the key Egyptian metaphysical ideas, such as ‘Akh’ and ‘Heka’, underpinning the practice of mystery initiation

- Appreciate the importance of the first-hand initiatory experiences found in Egypt’s epigraphical record

- Learn the key meta-themes underpinning mystery initiations throughout the ancient Near East

- Ritual 1: Learn the set of ritual procedures, used for millennia, to enact mystery initiation

- Ritual 2: Understand the nativity narrative through which the ruler’s divinisation was enacted

- Be able to follow-up and enlarge one’s understanding through the texts recommended throughout this module

=Follow the Q&A that followed the presentation

Peter Mark Adams

Peter Mark Adams is an author, poet and essayist specialising in the ethnography of ritual, sacred landscapes, esotericism, consciousness and healing. A Philosophy graduate, Peter pursues advanced studies in iconology, iconography, Renaissance art and material culture with the Warburg Institute’s School of Advanced Studies. Peter is an Associate Member of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE). Peter’s non-fiction is published by Scarlet Imprint and Inner Traditions; literary prose and poetry by Corbel Stone Press and the Bosphoros Review of Books; reviews of both esoterica and literature appear on


Hagia Sophia: Sanctum of Kronos: Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny

The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, PSI Abilities, and Ancestral Healings

Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos

The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca Tarocchi

Other Books:

-The Egyptian Mysteries: Epiphany of the Ancient Gods (in preparation, Scarlet Imprint)

-The Cult of Saturn: The Body Girt with the Serpent of Time (Theion Publishing, forthcoming 2024)

-Two Esoteric Tarots (Scarlet Imprint,2023)

-The Hagia Sophia/Sanctum of Kronos: Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny (Scarlet Imprint, 2023)

-The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, Psi Abilities and Ancestral Healing (Inner Traditions, 2022)

-Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos (Scarlet Imprint, 2019)

-A Guide to the Trumps and Court Cards of the Sola-Busca Tarocchi (Scarlet Imprint, 2017)

-The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca Tarocchi (Scarlet Imprint, 2017)

Sponsored by Magical Egypt

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